VT-920 Visual Experimental FEA™
The Visual Experimental FEA™ package combines the features of a Visual SDM Pro™ package with the features of the VES-8000 Experimental FEA (Finite Element Analysis) option. With the Experimental FEA option you can create an FEA model by adding FEA elements to the same model that is used to display ODS’s and mode shapes in animation.
The normal or complex FEA modes of the structure can be calculated from the FEA model. This option includes a library of FEA elements, including springs, masses, dampers, rods, bars, plates, and three types of solid elements. It also includes theFEA Assistant for quickly populating any structure model with FEA elements.
This package also includes the VES-5000 Structural Dynamics Modification option.
Once you have identified and quantified a resonance problem in a machine or structure, the next question is, “How can the structure be modified to fix the problem?”
The Structural Dynamics Modification (SDM) method allows you to examine the effects of a variety of potential structural modifications on the resonances of a structure without actually having to make physical modifications.
The resonances (modes of vibration) of a machine or structure depend on its physical properties (geometry, density, elasticity, boundary conditions, etc.). Changing the physical properties of a structure by adding modifications such as stiffeners, brackets, tuned absorbers or other modifications, will directly affect its modes. The SDM method uses the same industry standard finite elements as the Experimental FEA option to model the modifications. Either EMA (Experimental Modal Analysis) modes or FEA modes can be used with SDM to model the dynamics of the un-modified structure.
Experimental FEA Using ME’scopeVES
This tutorial illustrates the capabilities of the Experimental FEA Option in ME’scopeVES. A finite element model is constructed from a PhotoModel on a beam structure. The finite element model is then solved for its analytical modes, and they are compared with the experimental modes of the actual structure.
FEA Model Updating
This tutorial illustrates the capabilities of the FEA Model Updating Option in ME’scopeVES. The FEA model constructed in the Experimental FEA tutorial is used for model updated. The thickness of the vertical plate in the model is updated so that its analytical modes more closely match the experimental modes of the structure.
Experimental FEA Features
- FEA Materials List. Contains material properties (elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, density)
- FEA Properties List. Contains properties that can be assigned to FEA elements
- FEA Assistant. Populates a geometric model with FEA elements.
- Calculates Normal Modes for models with no damping
- Calculates Complex Modes for models with damping
- Calculates stress & strain for an FEA model deformed with ODS data.
- Point matching between FEA and EMA models
- FEA Model Updating. Define a solution space of FEA properties, and calculate new FEA mode shapes which minimize differences with EMA modal parameters
- Imports & exports FEA models in a variety of popular third party disk file formats
Structural Dynamics Modification Features
- Interactive graphical addition of FEA modification elements to a structure model
- All visible elements on a structure model are used by SDM and Experimental FEA. All hidden elements are ignored
- Modifications can be modeled using the following FEA elements; Point masses, linear springs and linear dampers, rod and beam elements, triangular and quadrilateral plate elements, tetrahedrons, prisms, and brick solid elements
- All finite element properties are displayed and edited in property spreadsheets
- Modal Sensitivity Analysis. Define a solution space of FEA properties, and calculate new modes that minimize differences with target modal properties
- Sub-structuring. Two or more substructures can be connected together with FEA elements, and the modes of the combined substructures calculated
- Tuned absorbers. Multiple mass-spring-damper vibration absorbers can be attached to a structure model, and the new modes of the structure calculated